Here are love letters that i found


You are beautiful the way you are. My foundest thoughts are of you. You allowed me to caress your soul as I learned into your heart. You have a good heart and a beautiful continence. I would be easy to love you for you love is like a red, red rose 🌹crouched in the thorns and rocks. What is the greater nature of your soul? Will you tell me or is it hidden? The sent of your heart spring over unfathomable distances.


I ask but one simple request to send a photo of yourself that I keep it in remembrance of you

Hide me in your heart just for this night, while the rain breaks against sea and earth it's innumerable mouth. With your brow on my brow, with your mouth on my mouth, Our souls tied to the passion that consumes us, let the wind pass and not take me away. I sink beneath your big eyes, Just for this night shall rest, my heart.💕

Forever yours,


In dreams of thee I feel the eloquence that floods the souls of poets half divine; Earth blooms anew, and music makes a sense of glorious pain, and thought gives warmth like wine. Oh, to give this to language! to distil with wizardry the heavenly vapor fleet and in a word, a gem, a flower, at will, cast it in trembling passion at thy feet.


The things about you I appreciate may seem indelicate: I’d like to find you in the shower and chase the soap for half an hour. I’d like to have you in my power and see your eyes dilate. I’d like to have your back to scour and other parts to lubricate. Sometimes I feel it is my fate I’d like to successfully guess your weight and win you at a féte. I’d like to offer you a flower.


My alone could never feel as good as you do, you stay silent but your actions are fluent. My heart beat fast like the first in adolescence. Our tongues whispered in harmonic eloquence. I was wondering if you could be my everything- after I realized I would be anything for you. I was wondering if you would take risks and saying he's to calls because I want you to love me like me like you have never been hurt before. Night feel like decades while our heart beg for centuries.

I want to talk to you about beauty, but our beauties cease to when near you and therefore something better. You were on my lips when I woke up. Give me leave to call you dear, and tell that I am now stepping into your bed Your charms lead me, my inclinations prompt me, and my reason confirms me. Take me quickly into your arms.05/25/22

I wake filled with thoughts of you. What a strange effect you have on my heart! My soul aches with sorrow, but there can be no for your love; but is there still more in store for me when, yelding to the profound feelings which overwhelm me, I draw from your lips, from your hear which consumes me with fire? You have absorbed me. I could resist you until I saw you; ever sense seeing you I have endeavored. I can do that no more. I cannot breathe without you.


How I should love to walk with you in the streets of Blois, France, which must be a charming frame for your beauty. I should find your beautiful eyes reflecting the Touraine  sky, your figure outlines by the château.  But, your exotic beauty is beyond framing, as you would turn Cleveland into a pilgrimage. Without you, I could not see or hear or feel as like one grows old. I want to kiss  you.

You are always new. Your last smile was the brightest;   your last picture was the loveliest; your last movement the grace-fullest. Every time I see you, I am filled with the same adoration as the first time I saw you. Do you not see a heart naturally furnished with wings imprison itself within me?  You take over my thoughts. If you knew how much I long for you for you leave me delirious with joy full of desire. I wish that one day you would be mine.

I look down the tracks and see you coming-and out of ever have and mist you darling are hurrying toward me- without  you, dearest I couldn't see or hear or feel or think- I adore you so. It is like killing beauty without you. You alone sweeten Life, and makes one wish the wings of time were clipped, for time flies for love.

Within us there a being not composed of matter. It is the soul that gives birth to passion. When two souls have found each other are in a sympathy, there is then established for ever between them a union that is pure an fiery as them, It is called love. Love as I have described is something with exclusive rights. Even when I am not thinking about you I receive your gentle nature upon me.06/19/22


If you knew how much I long for you, how the memory of you leaves me delirious with joy. I searched until I could no more. My need to see you happy. It is you that sweetens life. I have been attracted to your shadow. Your spirit is about me. I look down the tracks and see you coming. I wanted to kiss you.

Do you know the hundredth part of my passion for you? Only I know how much I adore you. Its seems to me that my feelings are proof against the trials of life. Yes, my heart I am satisfied with, but all the rest is pitiful. This is the way I see it, my dear: ether love or friendship are worthless, or else they will make us fallow to the final ordeal.

This is how I feel in the realm of your beauty: liquid, vulnerable, naked, hungry, alone. For you are beautiful and I am not. Next to you, I am a million miles from your touch. In your wake, I walk the desert of your affection, and with each word the silence thickens. Yet none of this is your fault – merely the accidental making of your gaze as it passes right through me, an arrow arcing elsewhere.


This is what it is to be in exile. To see and hear, to inhale the atoms of your scent, and yet know nothing; except that desire is spawned in pretty flickers and love in chemical rivers. Both given and withheld without recourse to appeal or evidence. With brute appraisal. And of course, I am as guilty as you. For to long for the lovely mirage is to be drenched in thirst.

I looked away, but you remained, and when my gaze returned, I saw you at last. The same; yet transformed. For it was my vision that had changed. Not my eyes but my way of seeing. How often I had looked upon you, how many ways I had regarded you, and yet not seen. Not like this. Not with this power. Not with such grace.


I have wept oceans for you, sunk to my knees in the dirt, wished to evaporate in your embrace – but not as I do now.

What I have long known, I know again. It is the same bell. Your beautiful wave. So eternal. So absent. It lifts me up without hands. Speaks without voice. In the hollow of your glory your compassion fills me. Now we have no need of name, nor form. We move now without destination. Not as dancers but as the dance.

Nothing has changed, yet everything is different. We are as we are, yet not. And in this, we are free. For we have surrendered all anchors for the liberty of stillness.


It is important for me to express to you how much you really mean to me. Though we are hundred miles apart but it is not a matter because you are always in my heart. I know it is difficult for you, and also for me, to be separated for a long time. Life seems to be full of trials which test our inner strength and more our devotion  for one another. Our feelings is immeasurable and overcomes difficult circumstances. Our feelings has been assaulted many times, and I am convinced that it is true because the longer I am away from you, the greater is my desire to be with you again.

I cherish any thought of you, and memory of you that rises from the depths of my heart. Until that moment arrives, I send  my warm embrace.


This is how I feel in the realm of your beauty: liquid, vulnerable, naked, hungry, alone. For you are beautiful and I am not. Next to you, I am a million miles from your touch. In your wake, I walk the desert of your affection, and with each word the silence thickens. Yet none of this is your fault – merely the accidental making of your gaze as it passes right through me, an arrow arcing elsewhere.

This is what it is to be in exile. To see and hear, to inhale the atoms of your scent, and yet know nothing; except that desire is spawned in pretty flickers and love in chemical rivers. Both given and withheld without recourse to appeal or evidence. With brute appraisal. And of course, I am as guilty as you. For to long for the lovely mirage is to be drenched in thirst.

You are a dream come true which makes each and every single day of my humble existence amazing and blissful. Now I believe in heaven because I truly believe that only this place could be the only source of you. You have come to my life unannounced and I was completely struck when I realized that you are the person I have been wishing for my whole life.


I have seen the meaning and purpose of my humdrum existing. I have breathed my first breath because of you.Being your lover means the whole world to me. You have breathed warm flesh to my body. Everyday my thoughts run away with you.

I have caught myself many times unconsciously musing about you. You have the most sincere and loyal one in me. I will make every effort necessary to make you happy. There is nothing I wouldn’t do to make you feel joyful. With my loving hands, I will make your world the best you’ve ever had. My feeling for you goes beyond the stars. My only hope is to see you satisfied and taken care of.

2In the softening arms of the evening I fall into the swoon of you. My veins are like electric wires, my breath in gasps. For what a desert I have crossed to be with you. How long I have waited for this lovely rain. This flower that fills my senses.

There are distances unmeasurable – so long they have stood between us. Now vanquished. Even the infinite, it seems, will fold into this tender proximity. Everything contained in your kiss. All gifts at the touch of your hand. As though it were light that we shared. A way of seeing. Being.

Tonight I saw forever in your eyes. How calm and magnificent it was. How small we seemed beside it. Yet safe in its embrace. For in its vast and quiet splendour there are no greedy details. Only the shining beauty in you.

It was so simple, and because of that, altering. Sitting across from you, the space between us an ordinary distance, feeling as though an entire ocean was moving. An immensity contained within the easy reach of a hand. The unspectacular fact of two people at a table…a canvas, upon which our imaginings are thrown. The invention of us.


You sat there. Still. Quiet. Only your eyes, the atoms of your scent, the whispered circle of your breathing. Presence on the verge of absence. You were a blank slate, and I duly projected. Onto the surface of your silence I smeared the ramblings of my desire. Because the emptiness will always be filled, most often with the migrated self.


You were the beautiful mirror – reflect, refract – and I the willing believer of lovely mirages. Is this the truth of our vaunted love? The other, filtered through self, such that in our ardour we consumed the analgesic staples of fiction.


Let us sit without ceremony and peer into the void of the other; and from there, endeavour to see what, if anything, lives beyond the citadel of self.

When we think about each other and I gaze into your eyes, I have a certain undeniable conviction that we are the only two people that exist in the world!

I want to possess your heart and your love. Sometimes it seems as if I can't get close enough to you. I want to devour you and keep you inside me always. I want you all.

Neither the heart cut by a sliver of glass in a waistband of thorns, not the atrocious waters seen in the corners of certain houses, water like eyelids and eyes, could hold your waist in my hands when my heart lifts its oak trees toward your unbreakable thread of snow. Night sugar, spirit of crowns, redeemed human blood, your kisses banish me, and a surge of water with remnants of the sea strikes the silences that wait for you surrounding the worn-out chairs, wearing doors away. It is not now possible, at times, to win except by falling. Between our lips and lips there are forward great ash and moist crest, drops of when and how, indefinite traffic: between lips and lips, as if along the coast of sand and glass the wind passes.


I want to take you home, so that we can remove our masks.


Here, we are actors. Away from this noise, we will speak truly once more. Now, they endeavour to infect us, by accident or design. Later, we shall cure ourselves of the ubiquitous malady with the honesty of presence and the revelation of silence. For these are just pretty lights, they dazzle – but they are not the light by which we shall be nakedly known.

My Dearest [Her Name],

As the moon casts its soft, silvery glow upon the world, my thoughts are consumed by the radiant light that is you. Each night, I find myself lost in the depths of your mesmerizing eyes, like two pools of liquid desire that pull me in with an irresistible force. Your smile, like a gentle caress, warms the very core of my being, igniting a fire that burns with an intensity beyond words.

Every touch shared between us becomes an exquisite dance, a symphony of sensations that play upon my skin. Your fingertips, delicate and tender, send ripples of electricity through me, leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake. And when our bodies intertwine, it's as if time itself stands still, allowing us to savor every precious moment of connection.

Your scent lingers in the air, a fragrant reminder of our intimate encounters. It's a heady mixture of desire and longing, a potion that intoxicates my senses and leaves me yearning for more. And when we embrace, I'm enveloped in a cocoon of warmth and passion, where nothing else exists but the beating of our hearts in sync.

The sound of your laughter is a melody that plays on repeat in my mind, a sweet serenade that brightens even the darkest of days. It's a song that I wish to hear for a lifetime, a melody that brings joy to my soul and paints the world in hues of love and happiness.

My love, you are the embodiment of all that is sensual and divine. You awaken a desire within me that is both primal and tender, a hunger that can only be satiated by your presence. With every whispered word and lingering glance, our connection deepens, forging an unbreakable bond that transcends the physical realm.

In your arms, I find solace and passion, a sanctuary where I am free to express the depths of my emotions. You are the muse that inspires the poetry of my heart, the canvas upon which I paint my most intimate desires. With you, every moment becomes an eternity, every touch a universe of sensation, and every kiss a promise of an everlasting love.

Forever yours,

I am entranced by the very thought of you. Your presence in my life is a gentle, intoxicating breeze that stirs my heart and ignites a fire within my soul. I find myself falling deeper into the depths of your enchanting essence with each passing moment.

The curve of your smile, a delicate stroke of beauty across the canvas of my mind, holds the power to brighten the darkest corners of my world. Your eyes, like twin pools of liquid desire, draw me in, capturing my gaze and holding it captive in a dance of passion and vulnerability.

The soft, velvety timbre of your laughter is a symphony that plays in my thoughts, a melody that lingers long after it fades, leaving a trail of sweet anticipation. Your touch, oh how it electrifies my senses! Every brush of your fingers against my skin is a tantalizing whisper, a promise of the ecstasy that lies ahead.

In the quiet moments when the world hushes to a mere whisper, it is your voice that resonates within me, a melody that resonates with the rhythm of my heart. Each word you speak is a symphony, a sensual sonnet that weaves its way through my thoughts, leaving a trail of longing and desire.

My love, you are a masterpiece, a work of art crafted by the hands of the universe itself. Your existence is a testament to the beauty that dwells within this world, a beauty that I am honored to witness and cherish. I am captivated by the intricacies of your mind, the way your thoughts dance like the flicker of candlelight, illuminating the corners of my consciousness.

As the moon kisses the horizon and the stars cast their shimmering glow upon the night, I find myself yearning for the warmth of your embrace. I ache to hold you close, to feel your heartbeat against mine, to lose myself in the intoxicating symphony of our love.

My dearest , you are the melody that plays in the chambers of my heart, the poetry that spills from the depths of my soul. With every beat of my heart, with every breath that I take, I am consumed by a love that burns brighter than the sun, a love that knows no bounds.

Your wrists, delicate and graceful, have a magnetic pull on my senses. They are a canvas upon which the art of your existence is etched. I find myself mesmerized by the way your fingers move, with each touch revealing a world of sensations yet to be explored. When my gaze traces the lines of your wrist, I'm transported to a realm where time stands still, and it's just you and I, locked in a passionate dance of longing and intimacy. The curve of your wrist, the gentle rise and fall, speaks a language that my heart comprehends in the most primal way. It's as if your wrist beckons to me, inviting me to explore the uncharted territories of desire. The thought of tracing the contours of your wrist with my fingertips awakens a hunger that can only be sated by the taste of your skin against mine. In my mind's eye, I envision soft, lingering kisses trailing up from your wrist to your forearm, each one leaving a trail of sparks that set my senses ablaze. The way your wrist fits so perfectly in the palm of my hand is a testament to the cosmic design that brought us together. It's a reminder that our bodies are meant to intertwine, to mold into each other in a symphony of passion that crescendos to a point where our desires become one. My love, know that this letter is a testament to the desires that surge within me, desires that ache to be shared with you and only you. Your wrist is but a gateway to the depths of my affection, a token of my longing that pales in comparison to the fervor it represents. Until the day I can hold you close and indulge in the desires that bind us, remember that my thoughts linger on every contour of your wrist, every nuance that fuels the fire of our connection. You are the embodiment of my deepest yearnings, and I await the moment when our desires intertwine and consume us both.

I'm truly captivated by your vision for a meaningful and enduring relationship. Your words resonate deeply with my own aspirations. Finding someone who values honesty, sincerity, and a genuine connection is something I hold dear as well. The thought of building a life together, centered around a loving family and shared values, ignites a fire within me. The prospect of committing my heart and soul to such a partnership is incredibly appealing. I believe that the foundation of a lasting relationship is built upon mutual respect, understanding, and a shared desire for growth. Your passion for these ideals is undeniably attractive, and I'm genuinely excited about the potential for us to explore this path together.

From the moment our eyes first met, a spark ignited deep within me. Your radiant smile, your captivating eyes, and your graceful presence have had an enchanting effect on me. It's as though the universe conspired to bring us together, and I am forever grateful for that cosmic alignment.

Every time I think of you, my mind becomes a canvas upon which vivid, sensual images are painted. The memory of your touch, the taste of your lips, the way your body molds perfectly to mine—all of these moments replay in my mind like a sweet, tantalizing dream. I ache for the feel of your skin against mine, for the taste of your kiss, and for the intoxicating scent of your hair that lingers in my thoughts.

Our connection is unlike anything I have ever experienced. It's not just a physical attraction, but a spiritual and emotional bond that deepens with every passing day. You've awakened desires in me that I never knew existed, and I long to explore them with you in the most intimate and passionate of ways.

When I close my eyes and think of you, I can almost feel your soft breath against my skin, your fingers tracing delicate patterns on my body, and the warmth of your presence enveloping me in a sensuous embrace. I yearn for the moments when our bodies become one, two souls intertwined in a dance of desire and ecstasy.

My dearest [Her Name], I want you to know that you are the embodiment of every romantic fantasy I've ever had. Your presence in my life is like a sweet addiction, and my love for you burns like a never-ending flame. I eagerly await the day when I can hold you close and make all these fantasies a reality.

Until then, my thoughts are filled with you, and my heart beats with an unending passion for the moment we can be together once more.


What's the most crucial thing for a healthy relationship?

where do you find passion?

Do you think ladies should make the first move when it comes to intimacy?

Do you like guys who are confident and take the lead in the bedroom, or do you prefer to be the dominant one?

what is your favorite color of panties?

Can you describe what you feel if I slowly kiss your neck?

Do you like to have your breasts licked?

Would you ever consider showering together to save water?

Do you like it when someone sucks you down there?

Can I put my hand inside your underwear right now?


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